Thursday, 9 October 2008

What would Fanny say?

Those poncey foodies at the Stone Food and Drink Festival have done it again.
Not content with bastardising the beautiful North Staffordshire oatcake with a ridiculous jam and custard filling, the festival's patrons are now said to be fuelling demand for beer-flavoured ice-cream.
I'm all for creativity in the kitchen, but how's a glutton supposed to know what's normal any more?
And what'll be next? Baked bean and banana panninis? Marmite and marmalade focaccias?
I suggest these people jump in their 4x4s, sod off back to the Waitrose coffee bar and stop giving the news editor at my local paper, The Sentinel, such food for thought.
For, after the oatcake saga made headlines the other day, I see the alcoholic ice-cream is now worthy of column inches.
According to the paper tonight, sales of Titanic beer, which is the produce of Stoke-on-Trent's Mother Town, Burslem, have been boosted by the unusual ice-cream recipe.
Some Delia wannabe on daytime telly has used it in her 'chocolate and stout ice-cream' recipe, boosting sales. Then the Stone lot have been clamouring for Titanic so they too can rustle up the dessert.
At least it's good news for Titanic in these troubled financial times. But I reckon Fanny Craddock will be turning in her grave.

1 comment:

Oatcake said...

As an oatcake baker I totally agree with your comments, middle class twits in the most Pythonesque sense, arf arf arf, are'nt we so clever, whats next year Gerald? I think we should find the best curry filling for a pikelet, that would be a real hoot Elizabeth.