Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Tea-riffic Trentham goes from strength to strength

First came the Trentham Monkey Forest. Then came the Big Wheel at Trentham.
Now the up-and-coming tourist attraction at Trentham Gardens (or the Trentham Estate as it's also known) has another development set to pull in the punters... a £1 million tearoom.
I thought it sounded like a lot of dosh to be splashing on a caff, but perhaps not. Perhaps the tea will be top-of-the-range from Whittard of Chelsea (oh, haven't they gone under?). Perhaps the tea will be served in quality china produced by Wedgwood (oh, haven't they gone into administration?).
Well maybe the cakes will be hand-crafted by Nigella 'God I'm a sexy mother, I know' Lawson? Maybe Gordon Ramsay or some other showbiz type will be doing the dinners.
I'm just being silly, I admit. It's been one of those days. The Lemsip, Strepsils and Marlborough Lights have gone to my head.
But there's a serious point to be made about said-£1 million teashop. Everything that's being done to develop Trentham Gardens as a major visitor attraction is good news. Yes. Good news. In Stoke-on-Trent. (Now there's something you don't hear very much of.)
Because when it comes to North Staffordshire regeneration, Trentham is a major success story. At last, something to celebrate.
So I wish the new tearoom all the very best. And the next time I'm passing, you never know... I might just drop in (after a spot of monkeying around and a turn on the big wheel) to sample one of Nigella's buns.

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